Tag Archives: Brain health

The Connection Between Aging, Cognitive Performance, and Oxidative Stress

Cognitive performance is a critical capability that allows individuals to function accordingly in their everyday lives; it provides humans with the capacity for sustenance and self-preservation and the free will to engage in activities of their choice. However, many researchers have posed a question regarding the sustainability of the human body’s cognitive performance, particularly because cognition may not be an all-enduring ability and is subject to different levels of degradation.

Several studies have proposed this concept, and research shows that several factors could affect a person’s cognitive ability, along with the discovery that multiple types of cognition correlate to specific functionality in the human body.

After several assessments of this proposed thesis, oxidative stress was considered one of the most significant factors correlated to a decrease in cognitive performance. This type of degradation is associated with the inherent decline of the body – aging.

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The Top 6 Nutrients for Brain Longevity

Did you know brain health is one of the strongest indicators of longevity? And that of all the factors affecting brain function, nutrition may have an even more significant impact than most?

What we eat can affect memory, mood, ability to think clearly, and how long the brain operates at optimal levels. Healthy brain aging is possible even in the face of genetic and environmental risk factors. Mental vitality may be maintained or restored through a nutritious diet, physical activity, and stress management practices.

Below are six powerhouse nutrients for healthy brain function and longevity – each vital in maintaining healthy neural function and protecting from age-related decline.

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Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month: Can Good Oral Health Help Protect Against Alzheimer’s Disease?

The month of June observes Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month recognizing the over 50 million people living with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other forms of dementia worldwide. Organizers of the campaign work to ameliorate a global lack of understanding of neurodegenerative diseases; they strive to inform, educate, and provide support for dementia sufferers and their loved ones.

A growing body of research has been able to identify several factors that may contribute to the development of the condition. Diabetes, hypertension, obesity, depression, cognitive inactivity, and other modifiable risk factors have all been associated with dementia, while many others are under investigation.

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