Tag Archives: Aging

The Connection Between Aging, Cognitive Performance, and Oxidative Stress

Cognitive performance is a critical capability that allows individuals to function accordingly in their everyday lives; it provides humans with the capacity for sustenance and self-preservation and the free will to engage in activities of their choice. However, many researchers have posed a question regarding the sustainability of the human body’s cognitive performance, particularly because cognition may not be an all-enduring ability and is subject to different levels of degradation.

Several studies have proposed this concept, and research shows that several factors could affect a person’s cognitive ability, along with the discovery that multiple types of cognition correlate to specific functionality in the human body.

After several assessments of this proposed thesis, oxidative stress was considered one of the most significant factors correlated to a decrease in cognitive performance. This type of degradation is associated with the inherent decline of the body – aging.

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The Molecule Holding The Key To Cellular Health And Combatting Age-Related Diseases

Breakthroughs in medicine and technology account for a global increase in life expectancy, yet improvements in quality of life for the elderly population lag far behind. Human longevity coupled with poor healthspan expectations is a significant challenge facing anti-aging medicine and the future of population health. Targeted therapeutic interventions and preventive care protocols are necessary to mitigate the sharp rise in age-related disease and disability accompanying longer life expectancy.

Different designer diamines, lab-derived amines with two amino groups, are increasingly being studied for their potential to enhance the healthspan by promoting mitophagy and protecting cells against oxidative damage. In a recent study, researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem evaluated a new molecule for its potential to prevent age-related diseases and increase life expectancy and wellness. Their findings were published in Autophagy and outline the role of mitophagy in age-related disease and the promising protective effect of diamines.

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Potential for Oxygen Therapy to Reverse Biological Aging Markers

Characterized by the progressive loss of physiological capacity resulting in impaired functioning and susceptibility to diseases, the biological aging process at a cellular level has two key hallmark elements: telomere length (TL) shortening and cellular senescence. A variety of therapeutic methods aimed at reversing or slowing down this process continues to be investigated while a novel treatment shows promise – a specialized form of oxygen therapy that may be able to reverse the aforementioned biological markers of aging.

In a new small study published in the Journal of Aging, researchers present potential breakthrough findings. Per their results, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) may be an effective method for delaying or even reversing cellular degeneration as it was shown to lengthen telomeres and decrease levels of senescent cells, potentially helping prevent age-related illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and dementia.

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