Tag Archives: cognitive aging

The Connection Between Aging, Cognitive Performance, and Oxidative Stress

Cognitive performance is a critical capability that allows individuals to function accordingly in their everyday lives; it provides humans with the capacity for sustenance and self-preservation and the free will to engage in activities of their choice. However, many researchers have posed a question regarding the sustainability of the human body’s cognitive performance, particularly because cognition may not be an all-enduring ability and is subject to different levels of degradation.

Several studies have proposed this concept, and research shows that several factors could affect a person’s cognitive ability, along with the discovery that multiple types of cognition correlate to specific functionality in the human body.

After several assessments of this proposed thesis, oxidative stress was considered one of the most significant factors correlated to a decrease in cognitive performance. This type of degradation is associated with the inherent decline of the body – aging.

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