Tag Archives: healthspan

Rapamycin for Longevity: The Anti-Aging Miracle Drug?

Although the human lifespan has increased over recent decades, the human health-span has been unable to keep pace. While we are living longer due to scientific advancements, the number of years we spend without age-related diseases has not increased proportionately.

Lifestyle interventions often recommended too late in life tend not to be sufficient to prevent, halt, or reverse age-related decline. Research scientists are increasingly focusing on potential pharmaceutical interventions to combat the negative aspects of aging. One pathway of exploration aims to repurpose existing medications for geroprotection and is proving remarkably successful in early trials.

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Longevity and Alcohol: Exploring The Complex Connection

Even though drinking alcohol is common among the population, current research has not provided a definitive answer as to the health benefits and consequences of drinking alcohol. On the one hand, drinking alcohol has been repeatedly discussed in scientific papers as protective against certain diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, and light-to-moderate alcohol intake has even been related to reduced mortality risks. On the other hand, several studies suggest that even moderate amounts of alcohol can have a detrimental impact on health, and in most cases, the substance causes more harm than good.

The complexity of the risk relationship between alcohol, health, and longevity continues to confuse patients and clinicians and remains a subject of intense research and controversy. There are very few studies available on the connection between alcohol and longevity, but emerging scientific findings aim to add to the body of knowledge and outline the adverse effects of alcohol on biological aging.

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Finding Balance With The Immune System

By James LaValle, RPh, CCN, MT 

One of the biggest things that can work against us when it comes to mounting a strong immune defense is increased inflammation. When your immune system is working to kill a bacteria or a virus – the immune cells themselves creates inflammatory substances. That’s part of how they fight the bugs.  If your body is already under metabolic stress (due to an unhealthy diet, being overweight or having a condition like heart disease or diabetes), the continued inflammation signaling from the immune cells can lead to metaflammation and inflammageing. Anything that causes chronic inflammation impairs our immune response and anything that prevents or fights inflammation helps it. This is why lifestyle choices like managing our weight, eating a healthy diet, getting regular physical activity and adequate sleep are so important. Many of us struggle to accomplish healthier diets and overall health-oriented lifestyles, and this is where supplemental support can help.

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