Tag Archives: childrens health

Children’s Nutrition Today: Eating Patterns and Use of Dietary Supplements

Nutrition is a fundamental component of health, and establishing healthy eating habits early in life is critical to ensuring lifelong healthy dietary patterns. Throughout their childhood, pediatric patients develop their eating habits, food preferences, and other lifestyle factors that can determine the state of their physical and mental health and long-term outcomes.

Research has shown that children who eat nutrient-rich foods as part of a well-balanced diet have more energy, stronger immune systems, and fewer diseases than those with poor eating habits. Unfortunately, present statistics reveal that millions of children across the nation are not meeting their nutrient requirements, indicating an alarming negative trend in pediatric nutrition with severe future implications.

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Mental Health Awareness Month | Children in Crisis: An Emerging Mental Health Epidemic

Recent tragic events have underscored the importance of psychiatric wellness and sparked a national conversation surrounding the pressing need for improved mental health care. Despite increased attention, mental health is often overlooked as a vital component of overall pediatric health and wellbeing; in fact, many children who have psychological disorders remain undiagnosed due to a pervasive lack of awareness, education, and resources.

As mental, behavioral, and developmental disorders begin in early childhood and can severely progress if left untreated, it is paramount for clinicians, parents, and caregivers to remain aware of and attuned to children’s mental health, potential disorders, and their alarmingly high prevalence.

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