Category Archives: Longevity

Intermittent Fasting Diets and Fertility: Considerations For Reproductive Health

The exponentially popular dietary trend of time-restricted eating, also referred to as intermittent fasting (IF), is viewed as much more than a weight loss intervention; IF has surged in popularity over recent years due to its potential health, anti-aging and longevity, and overall well-being benefits.

Evidence-based health benefits of fasting diets include improved cellular repair, gene expression, and metabolic rate; reduced insulin resistance, oxidative stress, inflammatory markers, and blood glucose levels. Some studies have even suggested that IF may boost fertility.

However, emerging evidence suggests that the risks associated with this type of nutritional pattern may greatly outweigh the benefits in specific populations, particularly those attempting to conceive.

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Taurine: A Breakthrough Anti-Aging Intervention? 

Aging brings forth many physiological changes across various levels, from organelles to organ systems. The process and potential to slow it down have captivated the scientific community prompting a substantial rise in research to enhance our understanding of aging as a biological phenomenon. As advancements in medical research continue to uncover potential interventions for promoting longevity, a new avenue has emerged as particularly promising: taurine supplementation.

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What’s Next?: The 2023 Industry Trend Report for Healthcare Disruptors and Early Adopters

In 2023, the US healthcare industry is again facing several significant challenges, including ongoing high inflation rates, labor shortages, and the persistent impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite continued difficulties, leaders in the space are working to find innovative solutions to improve the current system while looking ahead at the promising future of medicine that appears to have already arrived.

From artificial intelligence-based medicine to breakthroughs in precision neuroscience, we outline key trends expected to shape the healthcare landscape in 2023 and beyond.

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