Category Archives: Women’s Health

5 Surprising Menopause Symptoms — According To Dr. Felice Gersh

While menopause is predominately considered to impact the reproductive system with hormonal fluctuations causing hot flashes, night sweats, and other undesirable symptoms, it is a whole-body transition that involves many different systems. As a result, many women may not be aware that their symptoms are tied to endocrine imbalances, leaving them overlooked and untreated.

“This link of the so-called sex hormones to all body systems is what is behind the surprising menopause symptoms in organs and structures that are not recognized as being highly regulated by the ovarian hormones,” A4M faculty member Felice Gersh, MD, told Well+Good in a recent interview.

A frequent and popular A4M speaker, Dr. Gersh is a board-certified OB/GYN, founder of the Integrative Medical Group of Irvine, and the author of Menopause: 50 Things You Need to Know. During her interview with Well+Good contributor Isadora Baum, Dr. Gersh outlined five surprising symptoms of menopause that are not commonly associated with the condition yet are essential to recognize and take into clinical consideration.

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NAMS Releases New Guidelines for Hormone Therapy 

The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) recently released its 2022 Guidelines for Hormone Therapy, an update to its 2017 statement that includes significant additions based on the most current scientific evidence. To provide comprehensive and verified guidelines, NAMS recruited an Advisory Panel of experts in the field to review its 2017 Position Statement, evaluate new literature, assess the evidence, and develop updated recommendations.

The 2022 Hormone Therapy Position Statement reflects the latest research findings and recommendations, further clarifies the balance of risks and benefits of hormone therapy, and provides guidance on additional aspects of health care management relevant to patients experiencing menopause symptoms.

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Women’s History Month: The Role of Hormones in Brain Health Differences

Over the past few decades, the scientific community has shed some light on the vast differences between male and female patient health with an increasing focus on female cardiovascular disease pathology. The reason underlying varying reactions to the same diseases between men and women has been related to the brain, and in particular, sex hormones. Testosterone and estrogen are not only vital to fertility and reproductive functions, but they also play a critical role in brain health, and in particular sex-based risk factors associated with neurodegenerative disease. Emerging research reveals that the brains of males and females are much less different in structure than in how they age as well as the effects aging has on their brain health.

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