Susan Marra, MS, ND
A4M valued member Susan Marra, MS, ND, shares great insight from her professional experience in this Physician of the Month feature.
Based in Seattle, WA, Dr. Marra has more than 15 years of experience successfully diagnosing and treating Borreliosis/tick-borne illness, and has helped over 10,000 patients return to health. Additionally, Dr. Marra has been completely successful in overcoming her own battle with Borreliosis/Lyme disease, and has been symptom-free for more than seven years. Her personal road to recovery aids her in understanding the difficulties patients experience on the healing journey, and heightens her compassion for patients in search of a proper diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
Q: Before becoming a member of A4M, what was your medical background?
I have a Masters of Science in Psychology, and a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine. I largely practice Integrative Medicine, but I needed a well-organized, thoughtful, comprehensive refresher course after nearly 20 years of practicing medicine.
Q: What anti-aging techniques have you incorporated into your practice and how did you do so?
I use more natural hormonal therapy in my practice as the result of my anti-aging training. Balancing hormones is an art that requires significant study and practice, but I believe as the result of using them, my patients are happier and healthier than ever. Understanding how the hormones influence each other was something that I took away from this course in much greater depth than I had known previously. For that, I am grateful. The teaching was phenomenal.
Q: What are the benefits of practicing Anti-Aging Medicine?
The greatest benefit by far is to witness the increase overall sense of wellbeing that I see in my patients. They are happier and enjoy life more, and are better able to handle stress in their lives because they have underlying endocrine and organ support. For me, this is the greatest accomplishment that I could achieve as a professional.
Q: Why would you recommend Anti-Aging Medicine to your peers?
There are many reasons for learning Anti-Aging Medicine but mostly to service the continuous increase in the population of aging people. Anti-Aging Medicine allows for people to live healthier, longer lives, and enjoy their golden years with fewer ailments. This is also “common sense” medicine. In my opinion, A4M and the Metabolic Medical Institute have THE most comprehensive education program in the country with the most qualified teachers. The seminars are fantastic and you can do a lot of coursework online, so that you don’t have to miss much clinic time. I found that if you listen and study the material well, you will be well prepared to apply the newly learned material in your practice. Clearly, there was a lot of thought put into the development of this curriculum. It was outstanding.
Q: Where do you see the future of Anti-Aging Medicine 20 years from now?
I believe that Anti-Aging Medicine is and will be at the forefront of progressive medicine in this country for many decades to come. Also, with the rise in genomic research and available diagnostic testing, the marriage of Anti-Aging Medicine and genomic medicine is extremely exciting. This will allow for true personalized medicine to be delivered in the office setting. I am excited about the developments in both fields, and will continue my education to reflect the ever-changing landscape of 21st century Integrative Medicine.
Open to all A4M Members: If you would like to be featured as A4M’s Physician of Month, please write us at [email protected].