A4M valued member Quan Haduong, MD, FAARM, ABAARM, shares insight from his professional experience in this Physician of the Month feature.
Dr. Haduong, an anesthesiologist in Las Vegas, Nevada, who is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, received his medical degree from University of California Irvine School of Medicine. After years of solely practicing anesthesia and pain medicine, Dr. Haduong joined A4M, and began his journey to implementing anti-aging services in his own private practice.
Dr. Haduong
Q: Before joining A4M, what was your medical background?
I purely practiced anesthesia and chronic pain medicine. I could only privately study and practice anti-aging medicine with close friends and family . After joining A4M, I am now able to have my own private practice with anti-aging services.
Q: What anti-aging techniques have you incorporated into your practice? How did you so?
Our practice has age management services such as: nutritional advice and supplements, electro Medicine, and IV (including NAD) therapy. Our practice focuses on chronic pain management; we focus on finding the root cause of the problem. We are able to easily incorporate anti-aging philosophy and techniques to help improve the wellbeing of our patients.
Q: What are the benefits of practicing anti-aging medicine (both as a professional, and for your practice)?
Anti-aging medicine is a natural method for maintaining the healthy, energetic body of a child throughout your lifetime. It is also a long-term solution for combating disease, illness, and pain that will ensure that the illnesses and pain do not return after being treated.
Q: What are the changes you see in your patients?
Our patients are more energetic, both physically and mentally, and they physically appear younger, with less day-to-day pain and clearer skin and laugh lines. They are also more enthusiastic about going through their days, excited to see how they can live their lives to their fullest.
Q: Why would you recommend Anti-Aging Medicine to your peers?
It is very rewarding. The patients that join our clinic are very enthusiastic and willing to use the treatments we recommend.
Anti-aging medicine is easy to understand from a patient’s standpoint, and it is easy to maintain independently if a patient is forced to miss an appointment. Patients will be able to fully understand how and why they are being treated with anti-aging medicine techniques, which will allow them to help you–the practitioner–find them a personalized treatment plan that is immensely effective. If they miss their next appointment, they will be able to maintain their positive progress long enough so that the next time they visit, there will not be much regression, if any at all, that needs to be treated again. Anti-aging medicine is a powerful tool to heal patients and reduce the epidemics of sickness that should not exist in such a modern world.
Q: Where do you see the future of Anti-Aging medicine 20 years from now?
In 20 years, Anti-aging medicine will become more widely accepted and practiced: the basis behind Anti-Aging medicine is sound. Perhaps with a wider spread of education across the medical community, the practice will become more common. The market of sales for supplements has exploded, and in lieu of a medical professional, many of these supplements should not be sold to the general public without the recommendation of a licensed practitioner.
Open to all A4M Members: If you would like to be featured as A4M’s Physician of Month, please write us at [email protected].