Category Archives: A4M Physician Stories

Physician of the Month: Harris Waters, MS, MD, FACS, FAARFM, ABAARM

A4M valued member Harris Waters, MS, MD, FACS, FAARM, ABAARM shares insight from his professional experience in this Physician of the Month feature.

Dr. Waters earned his medical degree from the UCLA School of Medicine, after which he completed a general surgery residency at the University of Arizona followed by a vascular fellowship at St. Mary’s Medical Center in Long Beach, California. He has completed a Master’s Degree in Nutritional and Metabolic Medicine from the University of South Florida School of Medicine, in addition to a Fellowship in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine from A4M.

Dr. Waters recently joined an outstanding team of naturopathic physicians at The Canby Clinic in Canby, Oregon, in order to pursue a full-time career in complementary/integrative medicine.  With the knowledge he has attained with A4M/MMI education, he hopes to provide patients with real healthcare, not solely the treatment of symptoms.

Q: Before joining A4M, what was your medical background?

Before joining A4M my medical background consisted of 30 plus years practicing conventional medicine: general and vascular surgery. For the past 20 years, my surgical practice was located in the rural community Silverton, Oregon.

Q: What anti-aging techniques have you incorporated into your practice? How did you do so?

About a decade ago, I noticed the overall health of my patients worsening; patients were not responding to basic treatment plans: most notably, patients with gastrointestinal issues. It was suggested to me that I listen to a talk by Dr. Shari Lieberman, which I did while attending my first A4M conference. To this day, I recall leaving her lecture thinking that the information could not be correct, being contrary to most everything I had been taught. I did purchase her book with the plan of reading it on the plane home.

The very next day I was on surgical call and had to operate on a patient with appendicitis. This was a 30 year old man with a 6 year history of ulcerative colitis with a chronic hematocrit of 26% (normal 36-45%) which required transfusions 1-2 times per year secondary to his chronic slow bleed from the colitis. As suggested by Dr. Lieberman, I asked him if there was anything he craved, loved to eat or ate daily (with the plan of proving her wrong). The patient responded “no,” but his wife responded “yes”. Turned out he ate peanut butter every day, as it was his go to food. He was known to have it at breakfast, lunch, with dinner, and as a snack food.

Following surgery, the patient and his wife came back to the office. This patient was not interested in eliminating peanut butter from his diet, but his wife was now on a mission! I shared that I was unsure that what I had heard was true, but that this Dr. Lieberman spoke about craving what you are allergic to. Feeling there was nothing to lose, his wife decided to stop the peanut butter. The patient was almost due for his bi-annual colonoscopy and that would provide the perfect test to see if eliminating peanut butter would affect his colitis. After 8 weeks of being peanut butter free, the patient underwent a colonoscopy. His hematocrit the day of the procedure without any transfusions or iron therapy was 42%! The colonoscopy was entirely normal, which was confirmed by biopsies a few days later. The ulcerative colitis was gone!!!

I went out to speak with his wife and tell her that everything was normal; she started crying, then gave me a big hug and kiss. I was taken aback for a moment, and asked why she was crying. She said they were tears of joy! She told me, “I also stopped the peanut butter in my son’s diet. He is becoming normal now; he was having GI issues and they are gone. He was diagnosed with hyperactivity, ADD, and had behavior issues. He is now doing better in school, and I’m getting a normal child back!”

Needless to say, I was shocked. Here I was, a conventionally trained surgeon curing ulcerative colitis hyperactivity, ADD and GI issues simply by elimination of peanut butter from a diet. How crazy was that?!?

I read Dr. Lieberman’s book a second time to see if I myself might find relief from migraine headaches, which had in the past 5 years had become progressively worse. Following an extensive conventional workup, the option offered was medication, with the potential of significant side effects. My favorite foods had always been cheesecake, along with gluten and dairy-based products. I decided to eliminate both gluten and dairy from my diet, and 3 days later, the headaches were gone! Now I only experience a migraine after I have eaten something with gluten or dairy.

Q: What are the benefits of practicing anti-aging medicine as a professional, and for your practice?

I’ve had success treating patients with GI issues, along with arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, narcolepsy, headaches, and gastro esophageal reflux using complementary/integrative modalities. For example, instead of prescribing a medication, patients have been able to find relief simply by dietary changes and nutritional improvement. These types of treatments are not typically addressed in conventional medicine.

Q: What are the changes you see in your patients?

Patients interested in complementary/integrative medicine are more motivated. Patients as a whole are becoming more and more disenchanted with conventional medicine, and are looking for alternative ways to achieve health, wellness, and optimal aging.

Q: Would you recommend Anti-Aging Medicine to your peers?

Yes, without hesitation.

Q: Where do you see the future of Anti-Aging Medicine 20 years from now?

Good wellness and healthy aging is attainable, and health care–rather than illness care–MUST become the future for all. It is unacceptable that this generation is sicker than the last, that insurance governs care, and that big pharma continues to drive healthcare. People are now beginning to connect the dots. Anti-Aging and complementary/integrative concepts in medicine will be the wave of the future.

Physician of the Month: Quan Haduong, MD, FAARM, ABAARM

A4M valued member Quan Haduong, MD, FAARM, ABAARM, shares insight from his professional experience in this Physician of the Month feature.

Dr. Haduong, an anesthesiologist in Las Vegas, Nevada, who is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, received his medical degree from University of California Irvine School of Medicine. After years of solely practicing anesthesia and pain medicine, Dr. Haduong joined A4M, and began his journey to implementing anti-aging services in his own private practice.

Dr. Haduong

Q: Before joining A4M, what was your medical background?

I purely practiced anesthesia and chronic pain medicine. I could only privately study and practice anti-aging medicine with close friends and family . After joining A4M, I am now able to have my own private practice with anti-aging services.

Q: What anti-aging techniques have you incorporated into your practice? How did you so?

Our practice has age management services such as: nutritional advice and supplements, electro Medicine, and IV (including NAD) therapy. Our practice focuses on chronic pain management; we focus on finding the root cause of the problem. We are able to easily incorporate anti-aging philosophy and techniques to help improve the wellbeing of our patients.

Q: What are the benefits of practicing anti-aging medicine (both as a professional, and for your practice)?

Anti-aging medicine is a natural method for maintaining the healthy, energetic body of a child throughout your lifetime. It is also a long-term solution for combating disease, illness, and pain that will ensure that the illnesses and pain do not return after being treated.

Q: What are the changes you see in your patients?

Our patients are more energetic, both physically and mentally, and they physically appear younger, with less day-to-day pain and clearer skin and laugh lines. They are also more enthusiastic about going through their days, excited to see how they can live their lives to their fullest.

Q: Why would you recommend Anti-Aging Medicine to your peers?

It is very rewarding. The patients that join our clinic are very enthusiastic and willing to use the treatments we recommend.

Anti-aging medicine is easy to understand from a patient’s standpoint, and it is easy to maintain independently if a patient is forced to miss an appointment. Patients will be able to fully understand how and why they are being treated with anti-aging medicine techniques, which will allow them to help you–the practitioner–find them a personalized treatment plan that is immensely effective. If they miss their next appointment, they will be able to maintain their positive progress long enough so that the next time they visit, there will not be much regression, if any at all, that needs to be treated again. Anti-aging medicine is a powerful tool to heal patients and reduce the epidemics of sickness that should not exist in such a modern world.

Q: Where do you see the future of Anti-Aging medicine 20 years from now?

In 20 years, Anti-aging medicine will become more widely accepted and practiced: the basis behind Anti-Aging medicine is sound. Perhaps with a wider spread of education across the medical community, the practice will become more common. The market of sales for supplements has exploded, and in lieu of a medical professional, many of these supplements should not be sold to the general public without the recommendation of a licensed practitioner.

Open to all A4M Members: If you would like to be featured as A4M’s Physician of Month, please write us at [email protected].  

Physician of the Month: Ashok Tripathy, MD, FAAFP, FAARM

A4M valued member Ashok Tripathy, MD, FAAFP, FAARM, shares insight from his professional experience in this Physician of the Month feature.

Ashok Tripathy, MD

After graduating from medical school in New Delhi, India, Dr. Ashok Tripathy pursued a residency in Family Medicine and a Post- Doctoral Fellowship in Family Medicine, Preventive & Community Medicine from Baylor College of Medicine, Houston. While in a multispecialty group practicing traditional Family Medicine, Dr. Tripathy was challenged by his patients who were interested in non-pharmaceutical, herbal, and nutraceutical agents—alternative therapies in the healing process. This ignited his passion in learning the systems biology approach to medicine: looking at the patient holistically.

Not too long thereafter, Dr. Tripathy joined A4M and became a Diplomat and Advanced Fellow. He started his independent practice 10 years ago, based on an approach that emphasized lifestyle, micronutrients, gut health, food allergies, brain health, inflammation, toxins, and correcting imbalances in hormones/neurotransmitters. Through truly exploring the causes in prevention of chronic disease states, he has experienced a life-altering transformation in the way he practices medicine.

Q: Before joining A4M, what was your medical background?

I practiced traditional Family Medicine for 15 years, prior to joining A4M. My medical training involved a residency in Family and Community Medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston as well as a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the same field, at the same institution. Thereafter, I was in a multi-specialty group practice before I joined A4M.

Q: What anti-aging techniques have you incorporated into your practice? And how did you so?

I started incorporating supplements and herbal remedies when I learnt the importance of drug nutrient depletions and managing medical issues in non-pharmacologic ways. I thank my patients for being instrumental in challenging me to explore areas of interventions in medicine that were not taught to me in medical school. Many of them were realizing or hearing about the side effects of medications and were concerned about them.

I started looking, thinking, and addressing the issues brought to me in a holistic manner. I was exploring reasons that made patients visit me. By doing various functional tests, I could explore relevant underlying issues contributing to patients’ symptoms. Nutrient deficiencies (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, organic acids), metabolic health (insulin resistance), food intolerances, toxins (heavy metals, pesticides/herbicides, persistent organic pollutants), infections (including viruses, bacteria, fungi/mold, parasites), imbalances in hormones, neurotransmitters, and genetic testing, to gut health, the gut brain connection, prevention of chronic cardiovascular diseases by understanding vascular biology, and prevention of neurodegenerative conditions all seemed so relevant in the context of understanding a patient’s symptoms better. With this model of systems biology approach, I have enjoyed medicine much more as a career, while continuing to learn every day from my patients.

I also enjoy aesthetics and give Botox cosmetic & fillers in office. My training at A4M has put me in good stead to serve my patients.

Q: What are the benefits of practicing anti-aging medicine (as a professional, and for your practice)?

The most important aspect of practicing anti-aging medicine is looking for a cause to any chronic problem and addressing it in a holistic manner. It also involves an understanding of genetics, systems biology, and basic sciences, and how they all translate or contribute to the pathology and clinical medicine we see in our practice. It gives a sense of gratification when one can help a patient suffering from long term symptoms, or prevent chronic illnesses, without giving multiple pharmaceutical agents or seeing side effects thereof.

Practicing in this manner makes one stand out from the exclusively traditional medicine approach. Over time, people get to know the style of practice, and many are looking to benefit from this comprehensive approach.

Q: What are the changes you see in your patients?

I see the patients who have embraced this approach to medicine have less side effects from pharmaceutical agents, feel better from chronic maladies and realize that their physician has the best long term interest in their health. Many behavioral issues related to ill health can be better managed with nutraceutical agents, herbal therapies and lifestyle changes instead of prescriptive overuse of benzodiazepines or sleep aids.

Q: Why would you recommend Anti-Aging Medicine to your peers?

Anti-Aging Medicine is the art of medicine wherein we incorporate what we have learnt in basic sciences to the applied clinical medicine, thereby practicing true preventive medicine. With the understanding of genetics, healthy lifestyle, gut health, nutrient deficiencies, toxins, autoimmune disease, vascular biology, hormone and neurotransmitter imbalances, one can truly prevent chronic disease states and cancers. “Balance” is the keyword I have learned and it plays a significant role in our overall health. So far, we have done very well in the practice of tertiary level care, but this has also enabled the significant increase in medical expenses. One can prevent and attempt to stay healthy by looking into the above factors I alluded to for a much healthier and happier life.

Q: Where do you see the future of Anti-Aging medicine 20 years from now?

As more physicians and providers understand the advantage of practicing medicine this way, see positive results and witness patient satisfaction, they will embrace it. I foresee that true preventive medicine needs to be practiced holistically, to live a healthier and more functional life. Genetics, Epigenetics, and personalized health care will be in the forefront. Lifestyle medicine and the systems biology approach will be mainstays in preventing and treating various chronic symptoms and diseases, including cancer. Stem cells will be used more often in regenerating tissues and providing a functional life for a patient. We will always continue learning, as breakthroughs in science are revealed.

Open to all A4M Members: If you would like to be featured as A4M’s Physician of Month, please write us at [email protected].