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The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine to hold Extended Medical Education Conference in San Diego June 5-8

Medical professionals from seven different countries, 37 different states in the union, and several different specialties in the medical field will convene at San Diego’s Marriott Hotel and Marina the second weekend in June for a continuing education conference on Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Fellowship on Regenerative and Functional Medicine and Cancer modules, Sexual Health Certification, as well as Board Certification Exams. Doctors who are seeking to achieve their Fellowship in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine (FAARM), can attend several different modules during this three day event.

Different topics and objectives will include FAARM Module V: Clinical Intensives, Module XVI (B): Metabolic Cardiovascular Certification, Module XIX (C): Sports Medicine, Module XXI: Advanced Immune Therapies, and Module VI: Integrative Cancer Therapies.  In the Fellowship modules offered, speakers will discuss new nutritional treatments for several different conditions varying from cancer to depression to Alzheimer’s. Information will include the most up to date nutritional treatment modalities for more than 50 conditions.  Additionally, to understand and review treatments and factors of cardiovascular disease as well as review case histories and gain the ability to treat that particular studied patient the next day from a metabolic and anti-aging medicine approach.  Any sports medicine professional in attendance will discuss growth hormone in athletes, sports nutrition, hormonal influences as well as the effects of “ultra-exercising.”  Finally, life-style signaling including diet, physical activity, stress, sleep and the metabolic treatment approach to different conditions will be discussed  Module VI from the Fellowship in Integrative Cancer Therapy,  will instruct doctors how to manage a full Integrative Cancer Therapy practice and teach about different therapies and treatments.  In the BHRT workshop, doctors will learn how to analyze medical evidence relating to hormone optimization, deficiency, replacement, adrenal fatigue, excesses, and case studies.

In the Sexual Health Certification, Jennifer Landa, MD, OBGYN, Sara Gottfried, MD and Michael Krychman, MDCM will lead discussions allowing attendees to learn how to diagnose, evaluate and treat sex health disorders. Treating sexual health issues when other medical conditions are involved is complex and theses speakers will educate other doctors on how to.

The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) offers exclusive membership to all medical professionals where they gain access to over two-decades of established medical expertise.  We are also dedicated to educating physician and scientists and are proud to be in our 21st year of providing first-class continuing education conferences on anti-aging issues, regenerative and functional medicine.  To further demonstrate our commitment to the future of medicine, the shared responsibility for patient outcomes and transforming health education through innovation, we offer Board Certifications and Fellowship Training Programs in various disciplines ranging from anti-aging, regenerative and functional medicine to such disciplines as aesthetic medicine, skin cancer and stem cell therapy, in order to lead the industry by establishing best practice standards in these areas.


Women’s Health Week- How Are You Empowering Your Patients?

Traditionally, women are responsible for overseeing the health and well-being of their families. This is an important job, so how can these moms make sure their families are healthy if they aren’t prioritizing their own health as well?

May 12-18th has been officially named National Women’s Health Week by the US Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health. According to the website, this week has been established to promote the importance of women’s health while empowering and encouraging woman everywhere to make their own health a priority.

The organization has also listed the “Five Steps to Improving Women’s Physical and Mental Health”:

  1. Make it a point to get regular checkups and preventive screenings from your healthcare professional.
  2. Get active.
  3. Eat Healthy.
  4. Pay attention to mental health; get plenty of sleep and manage stress properly.
  5. Avoid unhealthy and unsafe behaviors.

The one step that seems to be a constant theme when discussing women’s health is that receiving regular checkups and screenings from a doctor is very important. This can help with the detection of serious conditions such as heart disease (the leading cause of death in women,) diabetes, cancer, mental illnesses, and STD’s, just to name a few.

Overall, besides preventing serious health problems, this week is promoting simple, every day, healthy habits such as exercising, maintaining a balanced diet and healthy emotional state, as well as wearing your seatbelt, applying sunscreen, and generally taking care of your body. All of this will lead to healthy aging and longevity.

Learn how to help your patients take stock of their health head to toe. Promote and encourage your female patients to take the pledge today, Monday May 13, 2013, by promising to schedule a visit for a regular checkup during the month of May.

For an interactive, first- hand experience at learning about overall health and prevention, attend A4M’s BHRT Symposium June 5-8 in San Diego or September 18-21 in Boston.

For more information, visit or

May is Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month

May is skin cancer detection and prevention month, as made official by the American Cancer Society. Earlier in the week, we discussed Melanoma Monday and why it’s so important. Although Melanoma is the most serious and the most lethal, it is not the only type of skin cancer there is. Skin cancer all together, makes up over 50% of all cancer diagnosis and is the most common form of cancer in the US.

The other types of skin cancer include Basal Cell Skin Cancer and Squamous Cell Skin Cancer. Basal Skin Cancer can be found in places that have been directly exposed to the sun; the face is most common. Squamous skin cancer is the most common skin cancer for people with dark skin and is found on legs or feet and other areas not usually in the sun. While Melanoma in men is found in the head, neck, shoulders, and hips; and on the lower legs, shoulders, and hips in women. In people with darker skin, Melanoma is found under fingernails, under toenails, palms of hands, and the soles of feet. Basal Skin Cancer is most common in people with fair skin and is overall the most common type of skin cancer in the US.

In relation to prevention, Huffington Post released an article about the new restrictions on tanning beds. As of recently, the FDA recommends that indoor tanning machines are not used by minors under the age of 18. “Sunbeds” have been re-classified to moderate-risk. As mentioned in a previous post, the UK is one step ahead of the US, prohibiting the use of tanning beds by minors and issuing fines to any tanning salon that violates this law.

A lot of people have that “invincible” mindset and think that it will never happen to them. However, statistics from the Mercy Memorial Hospital System show that every hour, one person dies from skin cancer and 90% of these cases are caused by overexposure to the sun. As far as detection and prevention, paying attention to visible growths or new moles and visiting a doctor regularly can help detect early stages of skin cancer. Proper sun protection and proper knowledge of skin cancer can also help you avoid the disease.

In addition, Medical Conferences International Inc., offers physicians Skin Cancer Medicine and Advanced Skin Cancer Certification courses. The next opportunities to participate are:

June 28-29 at Intercontinental Chicago O’Hare, Chicago, IL

US Skin Cancer- PCSCM- Skin Cancer Medicine Certification
August 16-17 at LA Live, Los Angeles, CA

US Skin Cancer- PCSCM Skin Cancer Medicine

US Skin Cancer- PCSCS- Skin Cancer Surgery Certification

For more information, visit