Category Archives: Anti-Aging Medicine Events

The Microbiome and Brain Health: Is there a Connection?

A4M World Congress Research is emerging and providing an understating for the ways in which bacteria living in the human gut—the gut microbiota—communicate with and influence brain health. The concept of a faulty “gut/brain axis” has been associated with various neurologic and psychiatric outcomes and is thought to be explained, at least in part, by immune dysfunction and inflammation triggered by poor gut health.

On Friday, May 8th keynote presenter David Perlmutter, MD will present cutting edge research and patient case examples on the importance of understanding the gut/brain axis and prescribing a healthy patient protocol for optimal outcome and prevention of further triggers that might include organs systems or immunological responses.

This one-of-a-kind academic event gives you premier access to top experts and medical pioneers in the fields of personalized and lifestyle medicine.


…And we have more! Workshops, sessions and lectures focused on the impact of gut microbiome and digestive health

Thursday, May 7
Pre Conference Workshop    |   7:30a – 5:30p
The Emerging Science and Role for the Microbiome for Health

Thursday, May 8
Afternoon Session    |   1:00a – 4:00p
Microbiome Diversity & Targeted Probiotics for Enhancing Health Outcomes

Thursday, May 9
Afternoon Session    |   1:00a – 4:00p
Microbiome Diversity & Targeted Probiotics for Enhancing Health Outcomes

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