May is Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month

May is skin cancer detection and prevention month, as made official by the American Cancer Society. Earlier in the week, we discussed Melanoma Monday and why it’s so important. Although Melanoma is the most serious and the most lethal, it is not the only type of skin cancer there is. Skin cancer all together, makes up over 50% of all cancer diagnosis and is the most common form of cancer in the US.

The other types of skin cancer include Basal Cell Skin Cancer and Squamous Cell Skin Cancer. Basal Skin Cancer can be found in places that have been directly exposed to the sun; the face is most common. Squamous skin cancer is the most common skin cancer for people with dark skin and is found on legs or feet and other areas not usually in the sun. While Melanoma in men is found in the head, neck, shoulders, and hips; and on the lower legs, shoulders, and hips in women. In people with darker skin, Melanoma is found under fingernails, under toenails, palms of hands, and the soles of feet. Basal Skin Cancer is most common in people with fair skin and is overall the most common type of skin cancer in the US.

In relation to prevention, Huffington Post released an article about the new restrictions on tanning beds. As of recently, the FDA recommends that indoor tanning machines are not used by minors under the age of 18. “Sunbeds” have been re-classified to moderate-risk. As mentioned in a previous post, the UK is one step ahead of the US, prohibiting the use of tanning beds by minors and issuing fines to any tanning salon that violates this law.

A lot of people have that “invincible” mindset and think that it will never happen to them. However, statistics from the Mercy Memorial Hospital System show that every hour, one person dies from skin cancer and 90% of these cases are caused by overexposure to the sun. As far as detection and prevention, paying attention to visible growths or new moles and visiting a doctor regularly can help detect early stages of skin cancer. Proper sun protection and proper knowledge of skin cancer can also help you avoid the disease.

In addition, Medical Conferences International Inc., offers physicians Skin Cancer Medicine and Advanced Skin Cancer Certification courses. The next opportunities to participate are:

June 28-29 at Intercontinental Chicago O’Hare, Chicago, IL

US Skin Cancer- PCSCM- Skin Cancer Medicine Certification
August 16-17 at LA Live, Los Angeles, CA

US Skin Cancer- PCSCM Skin Cancer Medicine

US Skin Cancer- PCSCS- Skin Cancer Surgery Certification

For more information, visit